Bloodbath by Nightfire
Summary: Tech Specs of Bloodbath from Dark Empire.
Categories: Transformers: Car Robots Characters: Bloodbath
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 281 Read: 767 Published: 30/04/08 Updated: 30/04/08
Bloodbath by Nightfire

Allegiance: Decepticon

Sup-Group: Hellspawn

Function: Hunter

"Destruction sedates my hunger, but consumes me whole!"

Profile: A scene of indescribable carnage is usually the sign of the psychopath known as Bloodbath being on the battlefield. The now insane Decepticon formally known as Thrust; Bloodbath has an unhealthy obsession with blood and gore (oil and gore in case of Transformers). He will literally rip open any and all opponents and eat, drink and soak his body in the fluids of the bodies of his victims; then he will make finger paintings with the remaining parts and fluids that are scattered around him, often referring to these crude paintings as his "pretties'. Thus giving him an odd mixture of personalities; one of a deranged serial killer and the other of a curious child. When not engaged in the wholesale slaughter of his enemies, Bloodbath will be on a collar and leash while being partly sedated so he can be calm down enough to do anything productive.

Abilities: When Bloodbath is in jet mode, he can fly at speeds that exceed Mach.2.5. He can also accelerate to three times that speed in 10 seconds, which he can maintain up to five minutes. He carries two compressed air rifles, each of which can shoot a hole in a half an inch-thick steel plate from a distance of 2400 yards and two concussion bomb missile launchers

Weaknesses: When Bloodbath is in battle and he attacks one enemy for to long, he then becomes open to enemy attack. While not in battle, he constantly has to be sedated and be put on a leash and collar to be calm down and controlled

**Notes**: Bloodbath transforms into a dark red VTOL fighter jet.









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