Blade's Tech Specs by Springer
Summary: Some background information on Blade.
Categories: Generation One Characters: None
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 283 Read: 1279 Published: 30/04/08 Updated: 30/04/08
Blade's Tech Specs by Springer

Name: Blade
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Assassin and Bodyguard

Motto: "Decepticons are my target, and hatred is my weapon."

Those who first meet Blade mistake her neutral expression and her terse words as boredom, or they think she has no personality at all. But beneath her mask is a very tormented soul, whose hate for the Decepticons sent her across galaxies and over thousands of light years. She is the Decepticons worst enemy, and their greatest fear. Throughout the years, she's built a reputation for quick results and a high kill rate. Blade is an excellent bodyguard because she doesn't allow any distractions to disturb her concentration. She loathes Megatron so fiercely that any who speak his name with respect are introduced to the business end of her disrupter. Gruesomely.

Blade has a cloaking field that has an indefinite energy supply and can shield her from even the most sensitive scanners. It can only be used for a short amount of time, however; the field it generates is harmful to any mechanical life forms that are exposed to it for too long. She also has a ion disrupter that can vaporize materials as dense as duranium. Her transform is that of a simple Earth F-15 jet, capable of reaching escape velocity on virtually any planet.

Blade tends to overuse her cloaking field, especially while on a mission. Thus she tends to suffer the effects of the field, which sometimes shut her down. Her only other weakness are the flashbacks and nightmares she suffers from, which often surface during crucial moments, like in the middle of a mission or battle.

The End

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