Argentus by Dirge
Summary: A tech spec for Argentus, AKA Fox Kids! Transmetal Rattrap.
Categories: Beast Wars Characters: None
Genre: Tech Spec
Location: Library
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 189 Read: 651 Published: 28/05/03 Updated: 28/05/03
Argentus by Dirge
Argentus (Physical model: Fox Kids! Transmetal Rattrap)
Function: Lure
"Catch me if you can!"

Argentus loves to roll, which would seem to make his role as a lure the perfect job. The problem is, he loves speed. He often rolls so fast that he manages to lose enemies who are meant to follow him into traps. His fellow Predacons have become accustomed to this, and will often just spring the trap on him when it becomes apparent he's lured no one else into the ambush. Apart from this he's well suited, since he's very fast and deft in speedster mode, and as rat he can climb and wiggle into all sorts of places. His ability to evade fire has saved his hide over and over - and he's not always trying to escape Maximal fire, but Predacon as well. While he's not unpopular as such, he's not highly respected within Predacon circles, he uses his cunning to keep his head attached. Armed with eye lasers in rat & speedster modes, and tail whip in robot mode.

Str: 4 Int: 4 Spd: 9 End: 8 Rnk: 3 Cor: 7 Frp: 3 Skl: 9
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