Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
Moonracer (G1)

Other Results: 1 Series


3 & 1/2; The Creed Chronicles by Phoenixfire90

Rated: G •

Takes place in-between '3; Separating of Paths' and '4; Plague of The Wild'.

During the 4 million years the Ark Crew went missing for, The Creed of the Phoenix and the Dragon and the Female Autobots have to team up for they're survival, but with growing tensions between Elita-1 (who is expecting a child) and Phoenixfire (who wants nothing to do with him or her), things start to look uncertain for both groups.

4: Plague of The Wild by Phoenixfire90

Rated: G •

Set after 3: Separating of Paths and 3 & 1/2: The Creed Chronicles between 1987 and 1990 on both Earth and Cybertron, set after season/series 2.

2 years after the Autobots and the Decepticons woke up on Earth, Optimus Prime wonders about the fate of The Creed Of The Phoenix And The Dragon and his two children Phoenixfire and Draco. But with sightings turning up here and there on Cybertron of the Creed members, will the Female, Male and Creed Autobots reunite?

Ground Zero by Ivy_Bohnlein

Rated: G • starstarstarstar Feature
Summary: The final showdown between Shockwave and the Femme Fatales.

Moonless Night by Raksha

Rated: G •
Summary: In the ruins of Cybertron, Decepticon sharpshooter Nightracer and Autobot sharpshooter Moonracer clash in a deadly showdown.

The Fallen Star by Rob_Jung

Rated: G • starstarstarstar
Summary: A mysterious object crashes on Cybertron, prompting the Autobots to try to acquire it -- and win the hearts of some war-weary citizens...

Where You're Smiling High Is Where You'll Find Me If I Get To Go by Oasis

Rated: G • starstarstarhalf-star
Summary: The female Autobots have uncovered a Decepticon plan, but their radio frequency has been intercepted and they have no choice but to go down to earth themselves. Somebody doesn't want to go...