Transformers Fanfics, Essays, Author Interviews and More...! Established 1996!
Bombshell (G1)

Other Results: 1 Series


Actionmaster Bombshell by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: An unusual choice for an Actionmaster, sure, but it's nice to see a relatively minor character like Bombshell in the series. It's not entirely faithful to the original, but is still distinctly Bombshell, and looks good in it's own right.

Before We Were Famous New! by Crystine

Rated: G •

Heroic Decepticons. One-shot. Decepticon-centric. At the Decepticon War Academy, the new recruits of House Delta go head-to-head against the Alpha trio, spurred on by rivalry, a lot of over-energizing, and of course, femmes.

Bombshell by Dirge

Rated: G •
Summary: A nice Diaclone based Transformer with a lot happening for it's size, Bombshell is very much a toy for the G1 fans.

Enter the Nightbird? by Crystine

Rated: Adult • starstarstarstarstar

Heroic Decepticons. One-shot. The Autobots are called upon to guard Dr Fujiyama's latest invention, but the Decepticons have plans of their own. Warning: not safe for family viewing! Parody.

Rise of the Decepticons - Episode 5: Imbalance of Power by Crystine

Rated: G •

Heroic Decepticons. Episode 5 in series: Rise of the Decepticons. The Decepticons are determined to prevent a planetwide shutdown due to an energy crisis.

The Full Capture by Sheba

Rated: G •
Summary: The Quintessons finally capture Sheba, and implement a plan given to them by Unicron to take and replicate Megatron and some other Transformers.  The Horde is enlisted to assist, and what follows is the story of how the newly enslaved Transformers from both factions react to their predicament.

The Turbofox by Firestorm

Rated: G • starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Mirage takes part in the defense of Autobot City.